Sally baru berumur 8 thn ketika dia mendengar ayah dan ibunya berbicara tentang kakaknya Georgi. Kakaknya sakit dan mereka telah melakukan semuanya untuk menyelamatkan nyawanya. Hanya pengobatan yang sangat mahal yang dapat menolongnya sekarang tapi itu tidak mungkin karena kesulitan keuangan keluarga tersebut.
Sally mendengar ayahnya berkata, hanya mujizat yang dapat menyelamatkannya sekarang. Sally masuk kekamarnya dan mengambil celengan yang disimpannya, menjatuhkannya ke lantai dan menghitungnya dengan hati-hati. 3 kali dihitungnya hingga benar-benar yakin tidak salah hitung.
Dia memasukkan uang koin tsb kedalam saku sweaternya dan menyelinap meninggalkan rumahnya untuk menuju ke sebuah toko obat. Dengan penuh kesabaran, ditunggunya si apoteker yang tengah sibuk berbicara dengan seorang pria. Si apoteker tidak melihatnya karena dia begitu kecil. Hal itu membuat Sally bosan dan dia menghentak-hentakan kakinya ke lantai untuk membuat kebisingan. Si apoteker melongokkan kepalanya ta....
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Friday, February 28, 2014
Posted by Unknown at 1:09 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Kita semua pasti kenal tokoh si Untung di komik Donald Bebek. Berlawanan dengan Donald yang selalu sial. Si Untung ini dikisahkan untung terus. Ada saja keberuntungan yang selalu menghampiri tokoh bebek yang di Amerika bernama asli Gladstone ini. Betapa enaknya hidup si Untung. Pemalas, tidak pernah bekerja, tapi selalu lebih untung dari Donald. Jika Untung dan Donald berjalan bersama, yang tiba-tiba menemukan sekeping uang dijalan, pastilah itu si Untung. Jika Anda juga ingin selalu beruntung seperti si Untung, dont worry, ternyata beruntung itu ada ilmunya.
Professor Richard Wiseman dari University of Hertfordshire Inggris, mencoba meneliti hal-hal yang membedakan orang2 beruntung dengan yang sial. Wiseman merekrut sekelompok orang yang merasa hidupnya selalu untung, dan sekelompok lain yang hidupnya selalu sial. Memang kesan nya seperti main-main, bagaimana mungkin keberuntungan bisa diteliti. Namun ternyata memang orang yang beruntung bertindak berbeda deng....
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Posted by Unknown at 6:40 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Malam ini angin berhembus lembut, permukaan laut tenang , ada sedikit cahaya rembulan menerobos masuk ke dasar laut dimana seekor kerang sedang duduk menikmati suasana temaram dan tenang. Gelombang lembut di dasar laut sana membawa pasir-pasir menari mengikuti arus bermain. Sebutir pasir masuk ke dalam tubuh kerang, membuat sang kerang kaget. Heiii, siapakah kau gerangan , sang kerang bertanya. Aku adalah pasir, gelombang lautlah yang membawa aku ketempatmu. Siapakah kau ? tanya sang pasir. Aku kerang, penghuni dasar lautan ini. Demikianlah perkenalan sang kerang dengan butir pasir tersebut.
Perkenalan tersebut pada awalnya hampa rasanya, mungkin hanya ibarat sebutir pasir besarnya. Sampai suatu saat, sang dewi rembulan melihat persahabatan yang hampa tersebut. Sang dewi berkata, wahai kerang tidakkah kau dapat lebih mencurahkan rasa persahabatan mu pada butir pasir lembut tersebut, dia begitu kecil dan lembut. Mulai sekarang biar aku mengajarkan bagaimana rasa persahabatan itu agar h....
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Posted by Unknown at 11:49 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Bagi penggemar film-film action, khususnya silat, pastilah satu nama ini tak bisa lepas dari ingatan. Gerakannya yang lincah dan gaya bertarungnya sangat lentur. Tak heran, sebab, sosok ini-Jet Li-bukan sekadar aktor yang ahli di layar perak, tapi juga memang juara beladiri sejati di kehidupan senyatanya. Tengoklah prestasinya. Berturut-turut selama lima tahun, dari 1974-1979, Jet Li mampu menjuarai kejuaraan bela diri pada pertandingan Chinese National Martial Arts Contest.
Terlahir di Beijing China pada 26 April 1963, Jet Li yang bernama Mandarin Li Lian Jie tak begitu saja menjadi ternama seperti sekarang. Ia mengalami proses perjuangan panjang layaknya kisah-kisah dalam berbagai filmnya. Bahkan, ia tercatat mengalami beberapa kegagalan dalam proyek film yang digarapnya. Pernah suatu ketika, Jet Li yang mulai terkenal melalui film Shaolin Temple ini mencoba merambah Amerika. Kala itu, sekitar tahun 1989, ia tampil di film Dragon Fight. Hasilnya jeblok. Tapi, bukan Jet Li kalau lang....
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Posted by Unknown at 4:20 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Seorang raja berjalan kaki melihat-lihat keadaan ibu kota. Di jalan depan istana, kakinya terluka karena menginjak batu tajam.
“Jalan di depan istana ini sangat buruk. Aku harus memperbaikinya,” begitu pikirnya.
Maka, Sang Raja segera merumuskan proyek untuk memperbaiki jalan di depan istana itu. Ia ingin jalan itu dilapisi dengan kulit sapi terbaik, agar siapapun yang melewatinya tidak terluka. Persiapan mengumpulkan sapi-sapi di seluruh negeri dilakukan.
Di tengah kesibukan luar biasa itu, seorang pertapa menghadap raja dan berkata, “Wahai Paduka. Mengapa Paduka mengorbankan sekian banyak kulit sapi untuk melapisi jalan tersebut, padahal yang Paduka perlukan hanya dua potong kulit sapi untuk sepatu yang berfungsi melapisi telapak kaki Paduka?”
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Posted by Unknown at 7:10 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Sekelompok siswa kelas geografi sedang mempelajari "Tujuh Keajaiban Dunia."
Pada awal dari pelajaran, mereka diminta untuk membuat daftar apa yang mereka pikir merupakan "Tujuh Keajaiban Dunia" saat ini.
Walaupun ada beberapa ketidak-sesuaian, sebagian besar daftar kira-kira berisi:
1) Piramida
2) Taj Mahal
3) Tembok Besar Cina
4) Menara Pisa
5) Kuil Angkor
6) Menara Eiffel
7) Kuil Parthenon
Ketika mengumpulkan daftar pilihan, sang guru memperhatikan seorang pelajar, seorang gadis yang pendiam, yang belum mengumpulkan kertas kerjanya.
Jadi, sang guru bertanya kepadanya apakah dia mempunyai kesulitan dengan daftarnya.
Gadis pendiam itu menjawab, "Ya, sedikit. Saya tidak bisa memilih karena sangat banyaknya."
Sang guru berkata, "Baik, katakan pada kami apa yang kamu miliki, dan mungkin kami bisa membantu memilihnya."
Gadis itu ragu sejenak, kemudian membaca, "Saya pikir, "Tujuh Keajaiban Dunia" adalah :
1) Bisa melihat,
2) Bisa mendengar,
3) Bisa menyentuh,
4) Bisa meny....
... baca selengkapnya di Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1
Posted by Unknown at 1:49 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 7, 2014
controlling Anger
controlling Anger
In the past , I'm the person who is grumpy . I can not drown my anger every day . My father is aware of this .
To relieve my anger , my father gave a bag of nails and told me that I nailed the nails into the fence at the back of the house every time I get angry .
The first day I could have nailed 48 nails into the fence behind the house . But that amount is reduced gradually . I realized that anger is easier than nailing nails into the fence . Finally I could hold and control my anger that had been after me . I told this to my father .
My father told me to pull out one nail in the fence every day where I'm not angry . The days passed and did not feel the nails had dug into had me unplug and disconnect all . I told this to my father that all the nails had me unplug .
He smiled at me , and he led me into the fence . And said " Well , you have succeeded with both my son , but , look at the holes in the fence . The fence will never be the same as before . " When you say things in anger . Your words leave scars . "
I realized this that I get angry every time I think of people who I grudge the . Father's saying " ... As this hole in the hearts of others . You can stick a knife in someone , then pull out the knife ... But no matter many times you're sorry , the wound will still be there ... and injuries because the words are just as bad as physical injury ... "
Thanks Dad , now I can dampen and control my anger any time and every time
Posted by Unknown at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: Trainings
Pung Bird Story
Pung Bird Story
" In the North China Sea , " the beginning of the story of this legend , " supposedly there is a fish named Kun reaching thousands of meters in length .
This giant fish can be transformed into a bird named Pung , who also has thousands of meters long . When the skies flapping its wings , wings spread, like a cloud covering the sky . Pung fly the skies across the ocean : to the South Pole
" Pung giant flying into the South Sea , moving water with tremendous wings along three thousand miles , but first he had to play the wind becomes a tornado until it reaches a height of ninety thousand kilometers .
It took six months to reach a height of tsb , only if the bird is ready . Now , just a vast expanse of sky blue nan behind and none of the barrier in front of him , Pung can fly freely to the south .
How can one compare such grandeur with morning fog , dust , and the creatures do not mean ?
" If the water is shallow , certainly will not be able to accommodate a large boat , but pour in a cup of water at a shallow place , and straw will float like a boat .
If you put the cup in place that would have drowned . Similarly , if the wind is less then it would not be able to spread his giant wings .
Only the height of ninety thousand kilometers , the new created ideal height to accommodate Pung .
Pung was finally able to start traveling importance .
When a cicada (like crickets ) heard the story , he said the dove , " If I could fly , I would quickly settle on an elm tree. Sometimes I can not reach it and instead fall back to the ground . However , I always make progress .
But why Pung struggled to get beyond first ninety thousand kilometers , but with it he did not create any progress before starting travelling to the south . "
" When a person is forced to go into the woods near the area and will soon be back a few hours later , he did not have to prepare their food .
If you intend to go hundreds of miles away , might have to prepare himself overnight .
And if you have to go thousands of miles , he must prepare himself for three months . What can be understood cicada and dove about it ? Cicada has never felt the spring or fall short because of her age . "
Just like Pung is still struggling to climb up without the slightest progress in achieving his destiny , though scorned by birds and other insects , he still flapping their wings up to the large altitudes in the Earth's atmosphere .
While other small birds still busy talking about his folly , he managed to spread his wings and fly high once without difficulty to the south and finally arrive at the South Pole .
Posted by Unknown at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: Stories
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Niccolo Paganini, a famous violinist in the 19th century, played a concert for the devotees who filled the room. He played violin with accompaniment of a full orchestra.
Suddenly one of the strings on his violin broke. A cold sweat began running down his forehead but he continues to play the song. Genesis is very surprising that the strings on his violin broke up one after the other was just leaving the strings, but he kept playing. When the audience sees he only has one string and keep playing, they stood up and shouted, "Great, great."
After adoring applause, Paganini told them to sit down. They realize he may not be able to play with the strings. Paganini saluted the audience and orchestra conductor motioned to continue the final part of the song. With sparkling eyes he shouted, "Peganini with one string." He put his chin on the violin and start playing the last part of the song beautifully. Audience was shocked and amazed at this occurrence.
MEANING: Our life is filled with problems, worries, disappointments and all the things that are not good. To be honest, we often devote too much time concentrating on our string broke and everything that we can not change.
Are you still thinking about your strings are breaking in your life? Is not beautiful tune the strings last longer? If so, I would like to suggest do not look back, go ahead, play the strings only. Play it beautifully....
Posted by Unknown at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: Stories