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Do not ask yourself what the world needs; ask what makes you "live" then do. Because the world needs is people who are enthusiastic. (Harold Whitman)
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I am looking for a lot of people who have an infinite capacity to not know what can not be done. (Henry Ford)
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Never give up when you still able to try again. No word ends until you stop trying. (Bryan Dyson)
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Do not underestimate the things closest to your heart. Embrace them as equally valuable as your life, for without them life is meaningless. (Unknown)
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Change is painful. He causes people to feel insecure, confused, angry. People want every thing as before, because they want an easy life. (Richard Marcinko)
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The only limitation to achieve our dreams are our doubts would be today. Let us go forward we go forward with strong and active faith. (Franklin Roosevelt)
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Habits like delay can be likened to a credit card: it is fun to use until you receive the bill. (Christopher Parker)
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When you make a decision, the universe will conspire to realize your dreams. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
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Be careful with the environment you choose for it to establish yourself; careful with the friends you choose for you will become like them. (W. Clement Stone)
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Weak people are not able to forgive. Forgiveness is the hallmark of a strong person. (Mahatma Gandhi)
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