Ten booster Your Happiness
What the hell, that actually makes you angry and disappointed? Is someone who cut the queue in front of you? Fraudulent driver who provokes you in the street? Computers are only to be booted just feels so long? Mobile should be changed twice each month as it continues to be stolen? People who mock and ridicule you? It rained all day? lots of bill that makes you angry to the fontanel?
No, that's not all. What makes you angry and disappointed is "childish demands" and "unrealistic expectations".
When you were a baby, what you need to do to get something, just screaming crying like crazy. With that capital, you get a new diaper, breast milk or cow's milk, ten or fifteen items banana scrapings to be enjoyed.
That's characteristics while still helpless you first. At that time, you can still demanding behavior acceptable. But now you've grown. You are responsible for your life, and you can no longer expect that the world will serve you as you want. If you still do it now, it's called self-induced misery, suffering alias that you create yourself. Stop.
What you need to do is actually quite easy. You only need to replace the demand and expectations, with a preference.
"I demanded that my husband does not get up early, but I'd prefer if he was able to do it."
You will better understand, and you will be the one to full understanding.
Dispose of Irrational Thinking
"I will never be happy unless I serve the world as I would like."
It is not rational. What can you just control yourself.
Want to Be Happier
Whether we realize it or not, you probably do not want to be happy. You can let go of any of your self; money, possessions, time, energy, and even love, except one; your suffering.
Happy to be starting your own volition. You want to be happy or not? Consciously you obviously want to be happy. But try again dive into your subconscious. It may be that you yourself are not willing unhappy.
When you feel angry, unhappy that suffering. Let go of your pain, not the vent. Ask yourself, "its right, would change happy at this outrage?" Extend your wick so that you can dispose of suffering.
Stop Self-Pity
You are not going to be a hero just to suffer. Is more heroic if you remain merry in the midst of suffering.
Stop Exaggerating
No need to blow-up problems to get out of proportion. It will paralyze you. Learn to make it as objective and motivation to take action.
You certainly never regret anything, of course. Wong this we humans really. It was, in fact another version of the words: "We're not perfect".
No need to panic or obsessed by remorse. Make it a positive force. Think of it as a wakeup call, a slap that wakes you from sleep. Are not you a tiger?
Do not put off the action with regret. Act immediately and you will not regret it anymore, because you've done something.
Cover tightly width distance between your ideal and you are now. Enjoy your present and do what you think best. Because if you have time to regret, then you definitely have time to do something about it.
"I've got everything I want, and I have become what I want, except ..."
Yes. That you might. Not ALL that you want you will get.
First, your resources are limited. Secondly, your appetite is something that will never be satisfied. He was like sea water. The more you drink, the more it feels dry throat. Desire you are wrong, wrong pass of limit.
Be aware that greed is the cause of pleasure. It could have been great. But pleasure itself can become addictive. We often forget, that pleasure does not always equal happiness. When you find that pleasure was not the same as happiness, fear and concerns arose. Fear and worry it will trigger your desire greater.
Then, you will find eternal circle here: Because you desire never had the tip, then fear you will never have the estuary. Stop being imprisoned man!
Yes. But how?
Focus and priorities apply. Begin first by BEING. HAVING matter, yes later alone. And for BEING, you must DOING. Just DO your best.
You know why the song "Do not Worry - Be Happy" so popular? That's why you call life.
Understand the difference between "suffering" and "worried". Suffer is a message about the problem, while worry is a message that an opportunity to grow and develop. So beware. Do you really suffer, or you actually only worry right?
If you're just worried, know that the source is fear. You are afraid of something that is still dark, blank, and do not know anything about it. Or, you are afraid to face the challenge.
Know that every second and every moment, you are the seed. The seed should be able to grow up to be big and powerful. Worry can not change the past, but it can ruin the present. Be smart, and act the challenge. Like a tiger.
LET GO OF Defensiveness
One was normal, including if it hurt others. Not command ya, but we all had ever done wrong. You know why pencils, whiteboard and chalkboard eraser was there? Because you are human.
If you are what you say?
"Aduhhh .. sorry ya. Sorry, his name is also human."
So, what do you say if someone else is wrong?
"You fool!" "Stupid!" "fool."
When you are wrong, you are human. When everyone else is wrong, they are not human. It is not rational. Thus, forgive them.
LET GO of Guilt
Guilt is a discomfort when you run into resistance against your own consciousness. Guilt itself is not too dangerous. What is more dangerous is the lack of a solution.
Feeling guilty that good. It signals a red light that warns you that stay on course. So when you are feeling guilty, listen to your heart's content. Which you choose, short-term pleasure or long-term gain?
Guilt is not finding a solution, this will make you experience:
1. The mind is not peaceful.
2. Distrust and fear in others, or even to God.
3. As per the figures, you will suffer three times:
First, when you are acting irresponsibly. Secondly, when you see other people act in a responsible manner. Third, when you have to bear the consequences.
Here is what you need to do when you are not responsible.
Remember that responsibility, is an abbreviation of "response-ability". The ability to respond appropriately. How do I get to respond appropriately? You can use the formula AAA.
1. Admit. Recognize that your actions are wrong choices.
2. Analyze. Your behavior analysis. What you choose the wrong reasons? What are the consequences? How not to repeat it? How to straighten option now?
3. Atonement, aka integrity. Integrity is the merging of the heart, soul, target, action, and faith. When it all together, you are entering the stage of atonement, aka at-one-ment.
With AAA, you can remedy the situation.
You, must have provoked. By other drivers on the streets, or by others who mock and harass. You must have felt attacked. At the office, at home, on the football field, in the cafeteria, anywhere.
There is no need for such things you serve. Therefore, your world can be broken day. Succumbing alone, unless your constitution is violated or trampled.
We tend to forget that we are more likely to use a heart to feel, rather than the brain to think. It seems right and reasonable. But be careful because it is illogical and irrational. It was emotional.
If you feel the need to serve the attacks, provocations, and the ridicule of others, then that of course there is.
First, your sense of justice is disturbed. When you are attacked, you feel the need to reciprocate. But, if the attack was done by accident, are not intended to attack, misunderstanding, or simply because they are stupid, what the hell kind of justice you want?
Secondly, your logic is distorted. You assume that if they are experiencing pain as you do, then they will apologize.
No. Even if they eventually apologized, it was not because of the pain that you create with a counter-attack, but because the minds and hearts of those who have a straight back. Hurting each other will not solve the problem. He even more sharp.
Third, consciously or not you are trying to avoid responsibility for ourselves happy. Because if you really want to be responsible for your own happiness, you definitely will not run away.
If so, how do I bring a sense of responsibility for the happiness of yourself? Awareness is the answer.
Know that the pain you are suffering is not because their attacks, but because of the reaction you for their behavior. Why are they so mean and cruel to you? Because they are sick, and they feel threatened by you.
Response bad attitudes of others with kindness, then you will be noble and honorable. Always try to be humble but not low self-esteem.
Know that it is not a passive patient. He did not come by itself, and imedietly you be patient. Patience was a verb and not an adjective. So wait, is be patient..
You also may never feel defeated. Beware. One-one, defeat can make you become envious, that is, those spiteful and can not accept defeat. Not happy if other people happy, and happy if others are not happy.
Envious attitude, can develop in three stages.
First, when you feel the defeat. At this level, the feeling of losing it actually reasonable. Especially if you can congratulate the winners, and then make the defeat as a lesson. If not, then this is where you will begin envious seeds sown.
Second, when you start to develop a sabotage other people's behavior. The onset of the small ones, like creating issues and bad gossip, or hope and "pray" for misfortune and accidents for others. You might take the IRA is harmless.
Wrong. It was very dangerous. Why? Due to bad expectations as it is rust soul, just like iron rust. Destructive, punching holes, eroded, and undermined all the good deeds. Moreover, where the hell did all crime? Yes of prayer, hope, slander, and negative thoughts strayed like it!
Third, as already mentioned just now, everything is going to manifest into crime. You will be the one to envy, with the attitude and vile actions. You have to self-destruct.
If you begin to experience symptoms of the disease, the recipe is simple. Befriend those who win. Then, change the way you think. Replace "I want to like that," to "How can I be like that."
Anger was only one letter shorter than DANGER. And "D", is the value minusn yes.
Good reason for you to not get angry, is to understand that anger will disseminate weakness. When you are angry, you are actually saying, "I'm afraid I'm Injured! I'm frustrated!" That, is another word for "I am weak."
Realize that people, goods, or circumstances, will always tend to make you angry. By design so already. You can not easily control anything outside of yourself. And if you get angry, your anger will not make the world go according to your will. Is you who have to adjust to him.
Be aware that if you are dealing with people who get angry, they're not being mean; they're just being people. Like you. And as usual, it appears upset caused by fear. Fear of losing control.
The desire to control is true. But, want to control the other person wrong. The truth, want to give an example of an example to others. Controlling the power? One also. What needs to be controlled only yourself. Once again, forgive them angry. There is nothing wrong when a human being and act as a human being.
Your own, you are angry because you subtract the one who will lose. When you are angry, what has come out is actually no need to go out and what is already actually do not need already.
As you face the fear, you are in the middle of the intersection. One branch leads to cowardice, and one leads to courage. The one to the hopes and dreams, the other can lead to disappointment and sadness.
You can not retreat or remain silent, but still go ahead and choose one of the branches. With silent or retreat, you will not grow and change. Instead, you are heading to extinction and death.
Manage the one you fear, because fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. Genuine but actually false.
So, you do not mind to grieve again. Have fun alone. Get busy. Do your best. No need to be afraid and not to worry. Do everything with passion and courage. It is better for you.
Instead I had already said, if you are the tiger?
("Ten Roadblocks to Happiness and How to Overcome Them")...
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