Friday, June 28, 2013

7 Powerfull of words

All these things (poverty and communism) can not be completed within 100 days of the reign. May not be completed in 1000 during the reign of days or maybe a lifetime. But let us begin. (John F. Kennedy)

Only those who are able to see the invisible, able to do things unimaginable. (Thomas Calyle)

The desire to win is not important. Everyone has the desire to win. The important thing is the desire to get a winner. (Bobby Knight)

Success is a reflection of who you are instead of what you have. Successful people work hard to find the best talent, then develop those talents, and use the talents for the benefit of others and themselves. (Tom Morris)

Do not just judge from crops that you get, but the judge of the seeds that you plant. (Robert Louis Srevenson)

Whatever you can visualize clearly, correctly, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically take action. Ultimately what we want will come true. (Paul J Meyer)

If we want to direct our lives, we must be able to control the consistency of our actions. Not what we do once in a time that will shape our lives, but what we do consistently. (Anthony Robbins)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The magic words

To become a player to reckon with in the 21st century, you should be able to provide more service than you receive payment. (Denis Waitley)

The secret of success is to learn to use the passion and pleasure instead of suffering and pleasure over us. If you are able to do so, you can control your life. If not, this life that you control. (Anthony Robbins)

You will not be able to achieve anything in this life ... If you do not make it a necessity. (Adam Khoo)

To achieve the extraordinary things, we not only need to act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe in what we do. (Jane Goodall)

No one is greater than yourself that can keep you from success, and no one is bigger than you that can cause your failure. You are full of the successes and your failures. (Darmadi Darmawangsa)

Do not be afraid your life will end, be afraid if you have never lived. (Grace Hansen)

Not the strongest creatures are able to survive, as well as not the smartest, but who is able to adapt itself to the changes. (Charles Darwin)

Saved on future of endless possibilities to obtain. What was he waiting is the human imagination to make it happen. (Leland Kaiser)

Change has the power to uplift, heal, encourage, provide an element of surprise, open new doors, bring a challenging experience and create excitement in life. Certainly deserves to stake. (Leo Buscaglia)

Start by doing what must be done, than what's possible, and suddenly you have to do something extraordinary. (St. Francais of Assisi)

Selected Quotes

To achieve success is very not enough just to rely on a collection of quotes, but at least by reading our choice quotes so inspired to further explore the potential within ourselves which definitely also like that they have had. To mimic the attitude and mindset of those who first achieved success.

Well here are some choice quotes that I deliberately quote especially for my personal collection, and maybe you can come back and practice reflect the truth.

Success is doing what you want to do, in accordance with the time period you want, with anyone you want, as many times as you want. (Anthony Robins)

If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want then imitate what they are doing and you will get the same results. (Anthony Robins)

Here is a simple but powerful rule-always give to exceed expectations. (Nelson Boswell)

After climbing a high hill, one will find that there are many more hills to climb. I took the time to take a break, to enjoy the beauty around me, and looking back at my previous trail rides. But I just can pause, because freedom demands responsibility, and I do not dare to stop, because the journey is not finished. (Nelson Mandela)

Ask someone who will look stupid for five minutes, but he who does not ask will remain stupid forever. (Chinese proverb)

Time is more valuable than money. You can earn more money, but you can not get more time. (Jim Rohn)

For every second of time is spent in the form of anger, then one minute of happiness has been wasted. (Unknown)

Happy  Ponderin..

Read more This Succes Quotes

Before going to sleep before reading bedtime prayers would be no harm in us read some quotes excerpts from these rich people, who know we'll be waking up rich and successful follow-up, at least the start of thoughts, dreams.

Optimistic people have a habit of explaining every thing in a positive way people pesismis explain every thing in a negative way. (Charles 'tremendous' Jones)

You just need a new idea that only ten per cent different to get a million dollars. (Marshall Mc Luhan)
The greatest compliment I ever received was when someone asked me what I think and then patiently listen carefully to my answer. (Henry David Thoreau)

As long as you keep doing what you've been doing, you will get what you get over this. If you do not like what you get, you need to change what you are doing. (Zig Ziglar)
Only you yourself can be your self. No one can replace your position. (Unknown)
Do not be shy when you fail. Likewise, do not be embarrassed if you were born from poor families. You just shy when not trying to get up. And also embarrassed when you do not expect to achieve better. Or not dreaming and praying for your dreams. (Samuel Amalu)
Success is doing what you want to do, according to the time you want, as many times as you want. (Anthony Robbins)

Have a nice dreaming..

Monday, June 10, 2013

Succes Quotes List

Quotations quotes below may have often encountered, but I deliberately show just for the reminder again that you are not feeling particularly successful so ter Encourage to bounce back, and you are already successful so more devastating.Too many people who think 'safe' rather than looking for an opportunity. They seemed to be afraid of living in comparison to death. (James F. Bymes)

Thousands of candles can be lit from just a candle, and the life of the candle is not diminished. Happiness never decreases even split. (Buddha)

Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Blessed now. Do not wait for something outside yourself that will make you happy in the future. Think about how to use your bereharga time, either at your work or with family. (Earl Nightngale)

A champion is known for what is not completed what he started from. (Darmadi Darmawangsa)

As long as I still have the desire, I have strong reason to live. Quickly satisfied means dead. (George Bernard Shaw)

Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking as a success. (Dr. Joyce Brothers)

Five years from now you will remain the same today like-unless you do the following two things: the books you read and the new people who become your best friend. (Charles "Tremendous" Jones)

may be useful

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Another powerful quotes

Precious stone can not be polished without friction, so one can not be successful without its challenges. (Chinese Proverb)

There is no one in this world that can replace oomph. Talent is not enough, so many people are talented but unsuccessful. Cleverness is not enough. Education is not enough, the world is filled with a lot of smart people. Strong belief that the most important and keuletanlah. The slogan "keep trying" has been completed and even always resolve challenges facing mankind. (Calvin Coolidge)

Simple right way to build a relationship with another person is to listen. Perhaps the most important thing that we can give to others is our attention. (Rachel Naomi Remen)

Keep your mind in order to stay positive because your thoughts will become your words. Take care of your words because he will turn into your behavior. Keep your behavior because it becomes your habit. Keep your habits in order to keep p [ositif because it will be worth your life. Keep the value of your life in order to stay positive because it will be the purpose of your life. (Mahatma Gandhi)

A hero is not one who is more daring than others; she only dared to five minutes longer than the others. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Successful people ask questions of quality, and as a result, they get better answers. (Anthony Robbins)

Applies was polite to everyone, even to those who are rude to you .. not because they deserve to be treated well, but because you are a good person. (Unknown)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Powerful quotations Quotes

Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. Teamwork is the fuel that can transform ordinary people achieve extraordinary results. (Andrew Carnegie)

If your actions can inspire others to dream bigger, undertake larger, and for the better, you are a leader. (John Quinci Adam)

Develop an attitude to always be better, a small difference in your actions can lead to big differences in the results. (Brian Tracy)

 If you really know what you are doing, love what you are doing, and believe in what you do, you have to be on the right path to creating your success (Darmadi Darmawangsa)

Opportunities only appear once if you wait, but will appear many times if you go after it. (Darmadi Darmawangsa)

Just like when you wrestle a gorilla, you do not stop when you are tired, you quit when the gorilla is tired. (Robert Strauss)

 First of all we are the ones that make our habits, then our habits that form. Overcome your bad habits, or bad habits that are going to beat you. (Dr.Rob Gilbert)