Thursday, June 27, 2013

Read more This Succes Quotes

Before going to sleep before reading bedtime prayers would be no harm in us read some quotes excerpts from these rich people, who know we'll be waking up rich and successful follow-up, at least the start of thoughts, dreams.

Optimistic people have a habit of explaining every thing in a positive way people pesismis explain every thing in a negative way. (Charles 'tremendous' Jones)

You just need a new idea that only ten per cent different to get a million dollars. (Marshall Mc Luhan)
The greatest compliment I ever received was when someone asked me what I think and then patiently listen carefully to my answer. (Henry David Thoreau)

As long as you keep doing what you've been doing, you will get what you get over this. If you do not like what you get, you need to change what you are doing. (Zig Ziglar)
Only you yourself can be your self. No one can replace your position. (Unknown)
Do not be shy when you fail. Likewise, do not be embarrassed if you were born from poor families. You just shy when not trying to get up. And also embarrassed when you do not expect to achieve better. Or not dreaming and praying for your dreams. (Samuel Amalu)
Success is doing what you want to do, according to the time you want, as many times as you want. (Anthony Robbins)

Have a nice dreaming..


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